You can submit your poster abstract through this link:
Call for Posters – 9th Library Congress
The 9th Library Congress, 113.BiblioCon, will take place in Bremen from 24 to 27 June 2025.
Organiser is Bibliothek & Information Deutschland (BID), the Association of German Librarians (VDB), the Professional Association of Information Libraries (BIB) as well as the German Library Association (dbv).
The motto of the largest and central continuing education event for German and European librarianship in 2025 is #LibrariesDevotedToDemoracy.
There will be an opportunity to present specialist contributions on the topics in the form of posters.
The submitted posters and clips will be reviewed and selected according to formal and content criteria. In the evaluation of the submissions we are guided by the following criteria:
– Innovative character
The organisers welcome innovative contributions with a future impact.
– Practical relevance
As organisers, we attach great importance to the participants learning things that are model-like and relevant for professional practice. In reports from ongoing projects, it is expected that not only project goals are reported, but above all, project results and implementation problems.
– Networking character
The evaluation takes particular account of submissions that encourage cross-disciplinary thinking and the acquisition of skills beyond existing professional boundaries.
– Creative ideas and technical implementation
Presentation and implementation should be in line with the content to be conveyed. A creative approach to the topic and the appropriate use of the available resources are expected.
The best poster will be awarded at the closing event on 27 June in Bremen.
The posters will be displayed during the entire event. A separate poster area is available for this purpose. Two presentation dates are planned: Wednesday, 25 June and Thursday, 26 June, both during the lunch break. Authors are expected to be available for explanations and questions in the poster exhibition area between 12:45 and 13:45 on these presentation dates.
The posters will be archived on BIB-OPUS after the Library Congress.
Please note the following guidelines for posters:
Please submit a description of the poster and explain the idea and the planned content of the poster.
When creating your poster, ensure that the copyrights, image rights and personal rights of third parties are respected and, if possible, grant open licences on the poster itself to facilitate archiving and reuse.
The poster should then be printed out in A0 format (84.1 x 118.9 cm), portrait format, if possible, and brought to the Librarians’ Day. Please do not create posters smaller than A1 format (59.4 x 84.1 cm) or portrait format.
The posters can be attached by the authors on Tuesday, 24 June, from 12:00. Fixing material will be provided.
The posters can be removed by the authors on Thursday, 26 June, from 17:00 at latest until Friday, 27 June. 12:30.
Poster presenters will not be admitted free of charge.
Please submit the abstract of your poster with the explanatory details to our abstract server between 1 February and 30 April 2025.
For any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact Ms Wioletta Syplie at